Wednesday, July 29, 2015

5 Tips to Stay Motivated for Your Summer Workout

5 Tips to Stay Motivated for Your Summer Workout

www.bestpersonaltrainerincleveland.comIt is tough to argue how wonderful summer is, but it can sabotage on your workout if you are not careful. You’ve worked so hard this year to get in shape and get the body you want. However, when summer’s hectic schedule changes things, it is easy to lose motivation to workout. Here are a few things you can do help you stay motivated to workout over the summer. 

Plan. Plan. Plan. 
If you just say you are going to workout — chances are you won’t. However, if you plan a consistent time to workout and add it to your calendar and set reminders the odds of you working out are much greater. You’ll have better results with a regular routine. Plus when you’re trying to plan a trip or summer activity, you will see you already have plans to workout. 

Take Your Workout Outside 
It is summer, get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. If you are getting stuck on going inside to the gym, try taking your workout outside. Talk to your personal trainer to get exercises that are easily adaptable to outdoors. 

Set Goals 
If you have a goal, you’ll be more motivated to succeed. Try setting small weekly goals, as you carry out your goals, give yourself a little reward. As you meet each goal, you'll want to complete the next week’s goal even more. 

Half Workouts
Try cutting your workouts in half, but increase the intensity. You could exercise 60 minutes in the winter, try 30 minutes in the summer. It is easier to schedule and offers fewer excuses. No matter how hot it is 30 minutes is doable. 

Don’t Let Summer Takeover
With vacation, family gatherings, and barbecues, summer offers up a lot of temptation to get lazy and indulge yourself. It is okay to an extent, but don’t settle for the excuse, "that it is summer, I’ll get back to it next week." Odds are you will not. It’s okay to have fun and cheat a little on your diet, don’t let summer take your hard work away. 

Just because summer is here; your workout should not go on vacation. Your local Fitness Together personal trainer can help keep you motivated throughout the summer. With one-on-one personal training and small group classes geared to your fitness level and goals. Visit to schedule a complimentary fitness consultation.

© 2015 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Fusionbox.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Beat the Heat: Hydrate Properly

Beat the Heat: Hydrate Properly know you’ve heard about how important it is to hydrate properly throughout your entire life — especially in the summer heat. However, are you doing it properly? It is easy to “push through” and not take in the proper amount of liquid to help get you through your workout and to avoid dehydration. Try using some of these tips to help you hydrate better and have a better summer workout. 

Fruits Hydrate 
Although water is the most common and perhaps the best source of hydration, many fruits offer an excellent source of hydration too. Grapefruit, oranges, and watermelon are fruits with high water content. 

Don’t Settle for Boring Water 
Yes. Water can get a bit boring, especially with the amount of water you're supposed to drink. If you suffer from water boredom, try giving your glass of water a boost. Squeeze a lemon, add a few raspberries, or even use mint leaves to give your water a little variety. You can even add some deliciously flavored, vitamin infused twist tubes from

Drink a Glass of Water Before Each Meal 
Use your meals as a reminder to drink water. Every meal should come with at least one glass of water. This is great for hydration reminders, but it is also good for regulating your calories at meals. 

Keep a Water Bottle Close
You’ve heard the term “out of sight, out of mind?” If you constantly have a water bottle at the ready to quench your thirst, you will more likely take a drink. Try carrying a water bottle around, even when you are not working out, this will help you get into the routine. 

Stay Away from Energy Drinks 
We know you’ve seen the commercials for energy drinks. They are not healthy. Yes, these drinks give you an immediate boost. However, they can increase blood pressure, and the sugar amounts are not healthy. Stick with H2O. 

Drink More When Exercising 
A bit of common sense, but we cannot stress it enough. While working out you should drink more water. You should drink 4-6 ounces of water every 15-20 minutes of exercising. Plus, you should drink ample amounts of water before and after your workout. 

During the summer months, it’s crucial to stay hydrated when working out. A Fitness Together personal trainer can help guide you to proper hydration throughout your workouts. Drinking plenty of water is not only safe, but it will help you be more alert and perform better. Don’t have a personal trainer? Visit

© 2015 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Fusionbox.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

5 Tips to Stay Cool During Your Summer Workout

5 Tips to Stay Cool During Your Summer Workout! the heat of the summer, even the simplest workouts seem that much harder. However, who wants to go inside when it’s so nice outside? Here are some tips to stay cool during your hot summer workout. 

If it’s the middle of summer and temps are constantly up, before you workout in the heat, adjust your body by working out in small increments of time in the heat. Start out light, maybe, 10-20 minutes of running or biking, then slowly increase and intensify your workouts. This will help your body acclimate to the summer heat. 

Nothing Beats Water 
A bit of common sense here, but you cannot stress the importance of proper hydration. It’s important to maintain proper salt-water balance. To do so, you must drink plenty of water before, during, and after your summer workout. Avoid drinking caffeine, soda, and even sports drinks! 

Smart Exercise, Is The Best Exercise 
Try exercising during a cooler part of the day. Early in the morning or in the evening when the sun is lower. If you must exercise in the middle of the hot day, try adjusting your workout so that it is not as intense. 

Dress for Summer 
Wear appropriate clothing for your hot summer workout. Lightweight, light-colored clothing is best. Also, make sure you add on the SPF for protection against the sun.

Your Body Knows Best. Listen! 
Your body will tell you if it can’t handle the heat. Stop exercising if you experience signs of heat stroke or dehydration. 
Some of these signs include:
•    Headache
•    Nausea
•    Dizziness or Feeling Faint
•    Weak or Rapid Pulse
•    Muscle Cramps 

A personal trainer from Fitness Together can help you train properly and safely in the heat of summer. If you don’t have a personal trainer, visit for a complimentary fitness and nutrition consultation.

© 2015 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Fusionbox.