Thursday, July 21, 2016

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Middle-Aged Body Loves Exercise

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Middle-Aged Body Loves Exercise:

Have you started rising to get out of your seat with a faint groan? Or started hungrily scrolling through corrective surgery web pages like you once enjoyed celebrity gossip magazines? Have you noticed that the conversations between you and your friends have quickly gone from diapers and preschool options, (let alone bars and clubs) and now tend to circle around podiatrist recommendations and protein bars?  Sounds like middle age – congratulations. No, really, congratulations on being in the midst of what can be an exciting period of transition and lifestyle changes. Middle age is when many people find a sort of rebirth of their zeal for body health and fitness. (Just ask the nation’s runners – 55% of all U.S. marathoners in 2014 were between the ages of 35 and 54.) Maybe it’s because the children or other family members who once dominated your attention and energy might be a little less needy, leaving you with some energy to spare. Or maybe it’s because you’re noticing a significant change in your metabolism or muscle tone. Regardless of the reason why you might feel a renewed dedication to your health and fitness, focusing on your fitness is a great idea. It turns out that, while exercise is certainly important for all ages, the benefits for those in middle age are especially numerous.
  1. The skin you’re in loves exercise. When you work out, the pores in your face dilate, purging out the trapped dirt and oil (just be sure to wash your face afterwards). Also, exercise helps to regulate hormones and reduce stress, both of which can have a dramatic impact on your skin’s appearance. 
  2. Your energy level loves exercise. "Contrary to popular belief, exercising doesn't make you tired -- it literally creates energy in your body. Your body rises up to meet the challenge for more energy by becoming stronger," says nutritionist Samantha Heller, MS, RD, a nutrition advisor for the Journey for Control diabetes program. It starts at the tiniest level, with the mitochondria, in fact, where exercise stimulates your body’s production of these tiny powerhouses. The more mitochondria present, the more energy that is being produced. 
  3. Your bones love exercise. Weight-bearing exercise, in particular, helps to strengthen bones by increasing bone mass. This is a significant benefit when many middle-agers are concerned about the loss of bone strength, or even osteoporosis. Even a simple walking lunge can build density in your hip bone. Your studio trainer will have many bone-strengthening exercises for you to try.
  4. Your mood loves exercise. Whether it’s a renewed charisma and self-confidence, a stabilization of mood-altering hormones, or a reduction in stress, exercise is your (and your loved one’s) best friend.  Exercise pumps up your body’s endorphins which can act both as attitude boosters, and also natural pain killers. (Plus, it’s way cheaper, and more fun, than therapy.)
  5. Your future loves exercise. More movement now = more movement later. Putting forth the effort with making your health the best it can be now sets yourself up for a higher quality of life as you age. Dr. Timothy Church, director of preventive medicine research at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge notes that, "Exercise strengthens the entire human machine — the heart, the brain, the blood vessels, the bones, the muscles. The most important thing you can do for your long-term health is to lead an active life." Not only that, but researchers at Harvard and Stanford conducted a study that found that exercise was just as effective as medicine for the prevention and treatment of pre-diabetes, diabetes, and heart disease. 

Sure, middle age has its share of gripe-able attributes. However, so many of those woes can be turned upside-down by refocusing your energies and attention to your fitness and health. Investing in YOU is indeed a worthy endeavor – one that will pay out in satisfying dividends for decades to come.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Happy Healthy Independence!

Happy Healthy Independence! 

There is much to celebrate on Independence Day next week.  On a grander scale, we recognize our nation’s birthday and take a moment to appreciate our country and the opportunities we have. On a more personal level, we plan celebratory picnics and barbecues with family and friends, reveling in the day off from work.  However, this Fourth of July, we’d like to take the celebration a step further and celebrate YOU and your independence.  Not necessarily your status as an independent adult (you know, one that pays their own bills, works their own job, parents their own kids, and decides whether or not to eat a strawberry popsicle for dinner), but instead your healthy independence.

Healthy independence, while it may be a fitting title for your sister finally footing the bill for her own groceries, actually means that you are making decisions every day that take you toward living a healthy, happy lifestyle.  It means that you don’t constantly give in to the unwholesome temptations around you.  It might even mean that you’ve had to painstakingly overcome some unhealthy or dangerous habits from your past.  The very fact that you choose to make exercise a priority when you meet with your trainer, and follow their advice on fitness and nutrition, means that you’re making huge gains in your own healthy independence.  Considering how easy it would be to constantly give in to the temptation of the juicy burgers and crispy fried chicken you see advertised on TV, or the draw of couch-ridden Netflix binges instead of exercising, you’re doing a great job.  And we’d like to encourage you to celebrate how far you’ve come.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have further to go, or that you don’t once in a while realize that you’ve eaten roughly 4 ½ servings of fudge brownie ice cream while watching a movie (hypothetically speaking, of course).  If you find yourself still struggling with achieving healthy independence in a certain area, we’ve got a few tips to make that independence a little easier to achieve:
  1. Avoid the temptation in the first place.  Don’t buy the chips!  Or take a different route to work – one that doesn’t take you by the doughnut shop.
  2. Choose a substitute for your bad habit.  We’re not talking celery sticks instead of a milkshake – it’s gotta be a fair fight.  Find a replacement for your bad habit that you will actually look forward to. 
  3. Reward yourself.  Did you walk 10,000 steps for 7 days in a row?  Those tired feet might need a pedicure. 
  4. Redefine relationships built on your unhealthy habit.  Maybe your smoking buddy or your “French Fry Friday” friend would enjoy a different kind of outing.  Who knows?  Maybe they’re ready to cut it out, too. 
  5. Do your homework, and prepare yourself.  Before going to a restaurant, check out the menu online and decide what you’re going to order.  If you’re going to a party where there will be all kinds of tempting munchies, prepare yourself in advance to make smart decisions.

Congratulations on your healthy independence.  You’ve shown yourself that you can break free from binding, damaging habits.  Continuing to make decisions that support healthy habits will help your independence to grow even more.  Celebrate well, and know that we’re rooting for you.

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