Friday, June 17, 2016

Great Ideas For Father's Day Fitness

Great Ideas for Father's Day Fitness

Fitness Together owner Sean Sullivan's father during a private one-on-one personal training session at the studio

This year, for Father’s Day, your mind is probably going in a million different directions as far as a gift for the dad in your life. Go online and you’ll be flooded with gift ideas of all kinds. Cologne, polo shirts, and grilling accessories are all great ways to show Dad how much he means to you, right?  Or… maybe not. What about giving Dad a gift of exercise and health for Father’s Day? Exercise is already firmly planted in your head as a worthwhile endeavor – you look better, feel better, and even think more clearly when you’re in a regular fitness routine. Wouldn’t it be the same for the dad in your life? Whether the guy is a spry, active pickle ball enthusiast, or is slightly less energetic, exercising with your dad can be a worthwhile endeavor for the both of you.  Need a few ideas? We’ve got them.
  • Remember those I.O.U. coupons you used to gift your parents with for holidays? You know – the little construction paper creations that, in uneven letters, promised a clean car, a breakfast in bed, or a day of no bickering? This Father’s Day, what if you bring back this “gift of yore” with some healthy I.O.U.’s of your own (and maybe, this time, actually follow through on them. You know, unlike the promise of “I’ll keep my room clean for a month” when you were ten)? Promise Dad that the two of you will take three walks a week for two months. Or an easy bike ride a week for a year. The win-win factor in this is clear – exercising with your dad means more quality time with him, and better fitness for you both.
  • Invite the dad in your life to your Fitness Together studio for a few sessions with a trainer. Trainers are experts in increasing fitness, no matter where the starting point is. Plus, isn’t it always fun to introduce our parents to the important parts of our lives?
  • Try something new together. Always been curious about martial arts?  Want to get back into yoga? Have been dying to release your inner Katniss and try archery, “Hunger Games” style? Despite the fact that there is a dizzying number of sports and activities available to try, we tend to stay in our exercise comfort zone.  Check online to see what your local recreation center has it offer as it can be a great resource to view different options for classes. Plus, starting at the same beginner level with something new will help you both to feel the same level of confidence and excitement.
  • Why not even add a little fitness into this Sunday’s celebration? Whether it’s a stroll through the neighborhood, some basketball free-throw practice (Go Cavs!) with the little ones, or a walk around a lake to watch the ducks, some activity will be a nice way to break up the customary holiday cycle of eating, talking, and eating some more, until everyone feels tired and overstuffed. 
While your dad is an old pro at helping you learn the important things in life, it might be time to teach him a thing or two about how to live a happier, healthier life. And with you by his side as you exercise together, you’ll be helping to ensure many more, happier Father’s Days.

Enjoy the beautiful weekend!! :) 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Staying Healthy During Summer

Staying Healthy During the Summer

Jun 1, 2016

Summer can certainly be hard on your healthy habits.  With barbecues, hungry kids at home, frequent trips to the ice cream parlor, and traveling to food-famous destinations, your habits of exercising and eating well can disappear quickly.  So before summer gets too well underway, we’d like to offer you a list of some common summer health pitfalls, and ways to help you stay true to your healthy lifestyle.
  1. The problem: the summer outdoor party.  Whether it’s a graduation celebration, a Father’s Day cookout, or a neighborhood block party, unhealthy food abounds.  While delicious, the “family secret” potato salad, decadent desserts, and grilled cheeseburgers don’t necessarily support a lean and trim lifestyle. 
Our solution: The Veg Rotation.Much like the 1:1 cocktail to water rule (have one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage), this has you eating a plateful of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, or salad greens before every helping of the other stuff.Going back for seconds of the bacon-wrapped jalapeƱo poppers?Eat a heaped-up pile of salad first.Ready for dessert?Not until you load up on watermelon.Not only does this trick help fill you up on smart-choice calories, but it helps you to take a few minutes before giving into temptation to contemplate whether you really want that ice cream sundae.
  1. The problem: the summer traveling.  The best blueberry pie?  The fresh fried clam basket? The cheese curds from the local dairy?  You want to try them all.
Our solution: be generous, be choosy.Of course you’re going to sample these destination delights.However, try to choose wisely.At a local restaurant, ask the server for suggestions on the most popular, or most famous dish, and then split it with your tablemates, along with a dinner salad or two.Another option is to request a side portion of the delicacy, and enjoy it atop a bowl of salad greens (think: macaroni and cheese, a legendary smoked rib, or seafood paella).Also, think ahead – if you know that you’re going to head out for cheesecake later, maybe take it easy at lunchtime with a broth-based soup and some fruit salad.
  1. The problem: visiting relatives, away from your exercise sessions, and your fridge full of responsible food choices. 
Our solution: bring it with you.Okay, not literally, but you can easily bring your healthy lifestyle with you on vacation.Suggesting a post-meal walk or swim in lieu of the customary living room chat session, or an outing to a museum or miniature golf course will not only help keep your activity level high, but your relatives might appreciate your input on activities you’d like to do.Visiting especially young and/or active folks?Challenge them to a fun, light-hearted fitness competition – a 40-yard dash, a monkey bar race, a push-up count, a relay-race, or all of the above!You’ve made some gains in your strength and stamina, why not show it off a little?Food-wise, feel free to do some grocery shopping of your own, and make cooking together part of the quality time you spend with your loved ones.

Fun summer plans don’t have to mean a vacation from your healthy habits.  With a little creativity and planning, the summer season can be your most enjoyable, most active, and very healthiest time of year.