Tips for Before and After your Workout
Mar 18, 2016

When you’re involved in an exercise
program, it’s easy to laser-point focus on the cardio, strength-training and
stretching activities. You watch, hawk-like, the effects your efforts have on
your waistline, scale numbers, and muscle definition. In doing so, you can
sometimes gloss over exercise’s crucial cousins, pre- and post-workoutnutrition.
Before your sweat-session, go ahead
and snack on some carbohydrates. This often-villainized food group is necessary
to properly fuel your muscles. Carbohydrates get stored as glycogen,
which your body calls on to endure through that last set of reps, or final
cardio sprint. When the glycogen is depleted, we’re fatigued and have
“hit the wall.”
It’s also a good idea to have some
caffeine before your workout, for the little extra lift and energy it can
provide. Don’t run out for handfuls of tiny bottles of caffeine
mega-doses, promising to keep you wired for hours, however. Too much caffeine
can make you jittery, nervous, and even nauseated – NOT a great addition to
your personal training session. It might take some trial and error to find the right amount of caffeine to make your workout seem just a little easier.
Vitamin C is a smart idea for both
before and after your session. When you give a workout your all, your body
undergoes quite a bit of metabolic stress. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant,
known to help the body deal with stress, whether physical, mental or emotional.
With a couple of doses of vitamin C running through your body, you get the
added bonus of boosting your immune system at the same time.
A great post-workout choice is a
tall glass of milk. This drink of choice for cookie-snacking kids happens to
have a near-perfect balance of the protein and carbohydrates necessary to
rebuild your muscles. It also contains an impressive laundry-list of other nutrients
your recovering body needs, including casein, electrolytes, water, calcium,
whey, and plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Additionally, packing your body with
high-protein foods such as grilled chicken or roasted turkey is always a great
option to replace calories and allow your muscles to rebuild what you just
shredded apart. Choose the leaner, low-fat options of these meats for better
results. Don’t shy away from carbs in your post-workout meals; just be mindful
of the amount of carbs you are taking in. Carbs will help replace what you just
burned and provide energy for your body to continue burning all day, but lean
protein is what your body really needs in order re-build muscle.
If you pay a little attention to
what you put into your body, you’ll be happily surprised at what you can
get out of your body during, and after, your workout.
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